Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pat's only getting younger.

Right after starting class @ OIT on Friday, I rode over to Lara & Pat's place to meet the rest of the Rodriguez bunch & help celebrate Pat's birthday with some friends. It was the first time Angela got to see Cyrus & the first time Greg & Ethan got to see him awake, hehe. It was so great to see everyone again that we hadn't seen in a little while. We all enjoyed some of the delicious flavor of different types of Saki from the world market & rocked out to a greatly random collection of sweet rock & metal songs, provided to us by YouTube and Pat's collection of digital music. Padilac also got himself some sweet new ink! I'll get some pics posted of that soon enough.

Have you seen these great vids:
A orchastrated cello cover of The Final Countdown

& Mike Patton ( of Faith No More, Fantomas, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, Peeping Tom & the Dillinja Escape Plan fame) singing opera with the Metropole Orchestra

Tah Tah for now,
-The Rodriguez Bunch-

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Photos Galore

Along with all of these sweet posts that the Rodriguez Bunch sends your way, please remember that there are always more photos to check out on our

I always add more photos to the albums when I make posts on here. So take a look into all the different photo albums on there. Also just like the posts on this site, you can get RSS feeds of when I upload photos to our photo albums.

Tah Tah for now,
-The Rodriguez Bunch-

More & More Cross!

* Once again let me say that Cyclocross is in FULL effect!!!

Man this cross thing is addicting. Every weekend we get together and race around on our bikes in some mud. We push ourselves till we're ready to explode and we're loving every moment of it. It's hard to explain because everything about sounds so wrong. We love rainy, muddy days, we race as hard as we can for 45 minutes straight, we have to lug our bikes around on our shoulders to run up hills & stairs and over barriers & rocks, and there's a million and one things that could possibly go wrong with every race we do. But its an AMAZING amount of fun. I could only hope that everyone reading this gets the chance and takes the opportunity to get out to a Cross race of any kind.
I've raced in 3 cross races since the last post.
the Rickreall Rampage down past Salem

the Battle at Barlow out in Gresham

Those two races, along with Pain on the Peak, were all considered pre-season races.
The Cross Crusade series started this past Sunday at the Alpenrose Diary

I've been having a lot of fun this cross season. Last year I was riding on a pieced together shin-dig that held it's ground for me during the end of the Cross Crusade Series. This year, though, I've been spoiled with my Cross & Commuter bike that has been treating me very well: the San Jose. Yeah yeah I know: Jose rides a San Jose. I've been staying at least mid-pack of the SingleSpeed category during these fast races through...
the mud (when we're lucky enough to get rain)

& dirt (when it's dry out),

up some insanely huge rail road tie barriers,

photo from

down some sloppy off-chamber hills,
(this is a sequence shot. That hot pink leg in the bottom right of the first photo is me going down into the mud & the second photo is me trying to recover quickly)

through the woods,

photo from

and pretty much everything else you could think of.

photo by John Dorfer

Check out all of the pictures & let me know which races you'll be at!!!
Here's the slideshow:

-The Rodriguez Bunch-

Oh the Fun we're having!

Busy we have been & here's the update.

*Cyrus just refuses to stop growing so much. This little man has grown 2" in his first month & a half of life and is already over half the weight of Arianna. That's right folks, Cyrus weighs in a at lean & hefty 11lbs. 9oz. as of today! Little man is feeding well, growing like a sprout & doing great.

*Arianna is doing wonderful as well. She's been loving to color lately and has enjoyed coloring the wood floors many different colors of the Crayola crayon set.
Here's some video of Arianna having fun & cleaning up & indoor park:

*Sue's most definitely had her hands full with keeping up with Arianna and taking such great care of our big ol' boy Cyrus. She'll also be heading back to work next week and so that'll be another item thrown into the mix.

*I've started classes, well a class, at the Oregon Institute of Technology. I'm going back to school to get my Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering. I'm starting this term off with only one class to get me started. Which is nice since we've got a lot going on.

*Works work.

*While I was at a cyclocross race, the rest of the Rodriguez Bunch headed down to Oaks Bottom park to have fun with the Lux & Whalstrom families. D. Lux was in town having enjoying her vacation with kids & grand kids.

*And Cyclocross is in FULL effect!!! This topic is gonna require it's own post.

So with that being said...

-The Rodriguez Bunch-