A busy few weeks behind us... And Plenty more to come.
We've had ourselves a pretty jam-packed couple of weeks lately. We've been trying to get as much stuff done around the house & at work so that we're a bit more "prepared" for when the little guy comes. As if one could truly be prepared for the celebration of life. We are all very excited to meet this new little bundle of joy (of soccer kicking joy) that Sue's nesting inside of her and I'm sure that he's excited to meet each and everyone of you.
Okay, well let's move onto trying to get everyone updated as to what's been keeping us busy:
It's been rather hot here, which Sue has been feeling the effects of. She didn't have to experience this kind of heat late in Ari's pregnancy because Ari came in the winter time. Ari's been enjoying her pool time on the back deck.
To get out of the house and a bit out of the heat (it's usually hotter in our house than outside, BLAH!) we went on a simple hike that's mostly in the shade with some great water spots.
On the trail into Wahclella Falls
The fam kicking by the river.
And there's Wahclella Falls.
A few days later, we threw a little baby shower to help bless Sue & the boy with some great gifts and a good time. It was so awesome to get such a wonderful bunch of family & friends together. The kids all had a blast and it sounds like they'll be a bunch more play dates like this in the near future.
So there's a few things keeping us busy around here. We had a BLAST last weekend as well at LoveFest 2008 & the International Air Show in Hillsboro. I'll throw up some pictures and words about that in the next post.
I've added a bunch more pictures from the above mentioned events on my Web Albums. Take a look and leave us some comments. Here's the link: My Web Albums
-Till then, Love ya tons.Joser
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